FB ad manager page

Hello folks, forgive me, but I have gone through the video training on setting up FB ads and for the life of me I cannot find the FB Ad manager page :unamused: :face_with_monocle: So I went through and set up the video looks like it is working ok, but unable to get captions as there does not appear to be a more options button or customizeā€¦also seemed to have placed an add earlier while setting up an entertainment page and I have never entered in a CC or payment method? Help pleaseā€¦the other thing is that I cannot seem to get rid of the mobile news feed in the set up ad menu? it is showing while the video test plays.

ok, sorry it took me so long to figure it out, but i just kept trying and finally discovered that I had to set up an additional account under the new domain name, anyway, i finally got to the ads manager pageā€¦whoaā€¦! it only took me 3-4 hrsā€¦donā€™t call me stupidā€¦hahahaā€¦RJ


Glad you got it figured out!

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