Fast click funnels plugin

Hello. I followed the Clickfunnels method step by step. But I got different plugin Fast Clickfunnels. And there is nothing on the left side of the Dashboard. So I don’t know how I can get to the pages and not sure if Fast Clickfunnels is the same as Clickfunels.

Hi there!

The Fast Clickfunnels plugin, integrates the Wordpress site with another (membership) plugin, it is not the plugin you need. You’d need to install the official Clickfunnels plugin.

So first just “deactivate” the plugin that you’ve installed and you can remove it. Then to install the correct plugin:

  • From within your Wordpress Dashboard, navigate to “Plugins” and click “Add New.”
  • Search for “Clickfunnels” in the search bar.
  • Select to “Install Now” on the ClickFunnels plugin (make sure it’s the one by Etison, LCC).
  • Click “Activate.”

Then go on with the steps John describes :slight_smile:

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I was confused at first when I saw this, but simply deactivate Fast Clickfunnels and install the standard plug in which you can download here:

Thank you very much.

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