Facebook Business Manager Issues

I am totally confused by the steps needed to set up the business manager in Facebook, then get to import the look-alike email list. Maybe I’m just tired and should give up for now… Looks like things have changed recently, so definitely living up to the moving goalposts idea!

John Crestani - another saying to add to your comments on perfectionism - my idea of perfect is probably going to be very different from your idea of perfect. Which exactly why achieving perfectionism is impossible!

Fresh eyes often help -have a break. Nigel

Thanks, Nigel. Just saw Ahsan Habib’s video. There has to be a way around the tired eyes!

After taking another look at the Ad Manager, I added the company and people, and lo and behold, I now have the ‘Audiences’ tab! Amazing what persistence gets you. Also, I have to say that setting this up is not difficult, but it is not easy sometimes either! I have got further than I ever got in the past with setting affiliate marketing up, so a quick cheer from me for that!

Awesome! Im happy this issue has been worked out. That being said, you are 100% right in that facebook has been making some changes in regards to the use of custom audiences by people who havent had a facebook account for something like a few weeks I believe. I will be updating some of the training to address this, and moving the ‘Lookalike audience training’ for facebook into week 4 of the course, and suggesting:

Locations: US, CA, AU, NZ
Age: 30+
Gender: All
Languages: English (All)
Interests: Affiliate Marketing
& Small business owners
& New parents (0-12 months)
Device Types: Desktop
Platforms: Facebook > Feeds

If you want to setup additional ad groups and split-test, I would also suggest targeting ‘Newlyweds’ and ‘Newly Engaged’ as well as ‘Recenly moved’ and 'Complicated (Relationship status).

I will be updating the training soon, with the new videos, but these are my recommendations.


Thank you, JC! I will hold off on the additional ad groups and split testing for a little while - I want to get my first ad approved and hopefully some sales from FB before I go too far ahead. I believe you are absolutely right in the training when you say do the f****ing work - but also you should say do the work and prove it before you go on to the next shiny object/part of the course. If the revised training had been what was presented, I would have followed that…

Good job!. I too get a message from FB that i need a value column etc. and won’t let me make a look alike audience.Then message from FB says connect my site and when i do, i get an Over the Limit message. I spent hours on this. Need Help if you can advise. Thanks

Hey guys, after digging my heels in, i found this answer. Hope it might help anyone loading look alike issues- apparently FB at that moment would only accept Johns list if i clicked “from my own list” not from partners etc. Keep going

so i am super agitated with this video 7> I HAVE watched and tried following along and doing what JC is doing and I have had to watch this video 3 times ??!! I go to business.facebook.com and then I go to business mananger to ads manager to audiences to create custom file and I get a link that says I have to create a business?

this is the screen shot of what I keep getting?? So we need to know … what if our pages does NOT look like yours bc I keep finding that to be a big issue???
Thank you!

i am facing the same issue :frowning_face: