Facebook ads tutorial

i checked out your fb ads tutorial …lesson learned i need to follow the program especially when john is teaching.maybe i did this for nothing if fbook is acting funny about what we advertise . we are americans not russians .

Facebook can be a bit of a pain as they pick and choose what ads they accept and which ones they reject.

But remember, persistence is the key to success! :slight_smile:

Speaking of Russians :wink: I’m the one. In that case FB shouldn’t have problem with me :joy:. Just created my first AD and waiting for approval. Wishing luck to all and to myself!

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im on week 3 and have yet to see FaceBook how to, did i miss something? i see Google ads vid but what is the strategy for FB?

Facebook ads training is in week 5 :slight_smile:

ok so my course is out of order. This system is supposed to be step by step and mine seem to be out of sequence, week 3 John is starting google ads and says our account should already be set up? i have a google account but not the ads portion. i have looked into week 2 forums and FB ads are the topic of discussion, if FB isnt until week 5, how is the discussion any benefit to my course? Money is being spent but understanding of the course has become somewhat frustrating.

Hi there, I’m sorry for your frustration.

The order has been slightly changed with time, to adapt it better & better for the highest efficiency of your marketing campaign.

As of the moment, I strongly encourage you to follow John’s videos and modules step by step as they are. John had taught thousands of students to succeed with affiliate marketing, and he had constructed the best sequence, which has to be updated from time to time :slight_smile:

Be sure to turn to us if you have any specific questions along the process!

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I have set up FB before but now I can’t find where John goes over step-by-step how to set up FB from the start. Where can I find it?

Facebook training is now week 5 :slight_smile:

What is on week 5 is not the one that goes over step- by- step how to set up FB from the very beginning.


You can get the FB beginner training from SAS 2.0

Resources > Course Archives > SAS 2.0
