FaceBook Ads - Page

Hi, I think I’m suffering from analysis paralysis…I’ve just watched optimizing FB ads video.
Is it correct that you need to set up a business/brand page on fb to advertise?
If so do you create a Brand eg. if your niche is Manifestation Magic a page concentrating on that and create posts etc to advertise that niche? or do you create a simple page without posts?
Do you have a fb business page as an example? As you could potentially push several niche’s which is the best path to follow as far as fb page creation?

Hi Tony!

Yes, you need a FB page and ad account in order to advertise on FB:


Hi, Sabrina
Thanks again for your excellent support.
Seems like I’m keeping you very busy.!
My apologies

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Please don’t apologise!

It’s what we are here for :slight_smile:

Good luck with your Facebook campaigns Tony!

An active facebook page with ongoing posts, public engagement and additional materials will help you develop your niche but is not mandatory. To advertise, all you need is to have a page, as Sabrina said :slight_smile:

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Hi, Ilya

Thanks for your reply.
Just to clarify FB ads question.
The only page needed is a FB Business page to advertise?
I will not need to create a page post in order to advertise.
I can just create ads in the Business Manager / Ads Manager account to create?
Is that correct?

Also, one more question.
Creating domain names not to worry about the name.
John said for example create a domain name / b967ssl.com
Would FB question or check out a domain named liked that and view homepage?


Hi Tony,

You DO need to have a facebook page to advertise, but yep, you don’t have to actually post. Your ad will show as a “post” with the word “sponsored” underneath:

About your second question, though facebook is unlikely to thoroughly check each domain name, they do have “red flags” built into their security algorithms, so I would stick to a more “catchy” domain name, if possible, that contains some real wording.

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Hi, Ilya
Thank you for the update.