Facebook ads bs

Facebook ads has made me secure my account and upload a photo of myself for the 3rd time they always send a message that says we suspect unusual activity on your account.

The 3rd time they made me do this they also disapproved my ad

Facebook is extremely frustrating. I sent the same photo of myself to them for the 3rd time

Hi there!

it seems like we have common issue with facebook. I still donā€™t find answer how to overcome the issue and how to start this fb ad business


is fb still ok to use? or did we blacklist fb? they now are charging 9 dol a month. thats true right??

HI @daddyrichh

So far, FB doesnā€™t charge me any monthly feesā€¦
Except the ads that Iā€™m running.

Never heard of any monthly recurring fees from FB besides that dues from your campaigns.

no that is not true. Facebook is free to join.