Facebook ad setup 1 ll audience

Good Evening everybody

I need help with this lesson in week 1. This lesson comes after Presell Page Setup 3 Manual Method, but I don’t see a tab for it. I don’t know if this lesson is being discontinued or not. However, I am currently stuck on the part of the screenshot. In John’s video, this pop-up does not show.
Is there something I am not doing correctly or is there something I missed?
Help is greatly appreciated.


Hi Dante, that lesson was removed due to a change in Policy with Facebook. Use the menu on the left side of the page to go to the next lesson. Did you set up your Business Manager account? It looks like you have not connected to a Business page yet. Email us at [email protected] and we can assist you.

You need a business manager account at business.facebook.com, create a page and ad account.

Then, go to your business manager menu and select audiences. Upload the buyers list and create a lookalike from here :slight_smile:


Good afternoon Sabrina,

Thanks for your insight. I was looking to set up a business account on facebook. In order to set up my account, does it matter what the name of my new business.
Should it match anything such as my name or even the website we’ve set up?
Oh and it asks for a “website”, is that the our facebook url or our website url/domain that John had us create?
I don’t recall John going into any detail about what a business manager account was for or if he went over how to set one up. I’ve looked through google and I even found one of your replying posts and I am still unclear as what purpose it serves. Any guidance or explanation is greatly appreciated.


Hi Dante,

The name does not matter for the setup, it does not have to match the website. The website would be the URL/domain you setup already. A business manager account is required to run ads on like we are setting up on Facebook.

Hi Dante,

Thanks for contacting John Crestani Support!

To set up a business account on Facebook rather than a personal page, go to business.facebook.com and click create account. You can use your real name. Just login through Facebook and create an account.


What happens if my website and user name doesn’t match?

Basically, it doesn’t matter if you add different names or businesses. It doesn’t need to be changed, you don’t need a new account. There is no significance to this. You do need an account at business.facebook.com. But the names are not an issue. Give it a try and chat with FB if you are having trouble. Just use your business manager.


In order to start advertising on Facebook, you need a Business Manager account that manages at least one Facebook Page.

To add a Facebook Page:
  1. Go to Business Manager Settings.
  2. Under the People and Assets tab, select “Pages”
  3. Click on “Add New Page”
  4. Select one of the 3 options: “Claim a Page”, “Request Access to a Page” or “Create a New Page”
  5. If you choose to request access or claim a Page, enter the Facebook page name or URL
To add an advertising account to your Business Manager:
  1. Open your Business Manager Settings.
  2. Under the People and Assets tab, click on “Ad Accounts”
  3. On the right side of the page, select “Add New Ad Accounts”
  4. Choose one of the 3 options: “Claim Ad Account”, “Request Access to an Ad Account” or “Create a New Ad Account”
  5. If you choose to request access or claim an ad account, enter the ad account ID. (Learn where to find the account ID)

Before you can start advertising, you’ll need to give Facebook additional account information and enter your credit card data.

Hello Sheryl and Sabrina

Thanks for your feedback and help. I just created a business account but I am still a little lost. You guys said that the business account has to manage at least one page. What page/url exactly? Am I supposed to a whole another page like a business or community page for FB business account to manage? I see that my own personal page cannot be selected.

Thanks again for your help,


Hi - yes, you have to create a business page that you are the administrator for. That is what they are looking for.

When you go to your business manager, click add page then create page. This will allow you to add a new one.

Thank you guys so much for your help. I really appreciate it

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