Facebook Ad Getting Negative Feedback

Hello all,

My Facebook Ad promoting SAS was approved last night and started running this morning. I checked on it in the middle of the day and saw some negative comments were being generated on the ad and a negative reaction (see image).
I have a few questions. Is this common when promoting SAS? Are there some steps I should take to mitigate this or should I let it run it’s natural course? It seems like leaving these comments alone would kill my chances of anyone taking the ad seriously, but censoring people seems wrong.

Sadly this is the nature of FB. The best thing to do is keep moderating the comments, delete them or ban the user from posting on your page by blocking them?

If it is bothering you, try a different ad platform? :slight_smile:

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I have been running my FB ad for a few days and I am getting the same - rude remarks, images, and complaints that this ad is being shown again and again, which makes sense because there are a bunch of us running the same ad to the same audiences. I just delete the comments and images but it does give me pause… I have been told that Facebook doesn’t like it if you copy someone else’s ad (which is what we’re all doing, copying John’s ad, lol). And I’m a tad concerned that if the ad is being shown so much to the same audience, who is not receiving it well, that it turns into a negative experience for the Facebook user, which Facebook will not like. Are there any words of wisdom that will help me see this in a more positive light?


My thoughts exactly, @Holly. @Sabrina, so what you’re saying is it’s ok to delete negative comments to hide what people think of the product from other potential buyers? I’m asking honestly here, as I understand that haters gonna hate, but will it reflect badly on me or my business somehow if I’m found out to have deleted people’s comments? Am I overthinking this?


Dont worry too much about it, just delete and block if it bothers you :slight_smile:

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No matter what you are promoting you will find people making nasty comments. And looking at the ones in the image, they are not true comments. Just people that have nothing better to do or are paid to put negative comments on competitors sites.

You do not have to market John’s product. There are others provided in the forum and on the resources page or you can pick something you like from Clickbank.


Ok, thank you @Support_Staff and @Sabrina. I am ready for week two and to level up and start promoting other products!

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I think you should certainly start with turning on the profanity blocker and then go back and add the list of other words to block that’s in the course.


How do you get to the profanity blocker?


It’s in the settings for your page. Under general I think. You can set it to strong. Then near that in the settings is where you can enter the words to block. I think John gave us a link to that list.

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Here is an article from Facebook that shows how to set it: https://www.facebook.com/facebookmedia/blog/moderating-your-facebook-page

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Where is the list of words to block for our ads?
Are there any other video options to post or other ad text that will give the viewer some variety and hopefully better result for us all?

Do you mean in the ad for keywords?

Here are some keywords that should be in your negative keywords section before your ad goes live.
Type them in exactly as listed
“how much does it cost to join”
“social network research california institute of technology university”

You can adjust the wording on your ad to your liking, as long as the idea is the same.

Thank you, @lepolito. That’s very helpful as I wasn’t aware you could block certain words.

Well, my ad became disapproved mid campaign. I think enough people reported it that Facebook used the same excuse (no MLM, “get rich quick”) to take it down.

Oh Well! Time to try again. :slight_smile: