Editing a Lookalike audience after creation?

While setting up the lookalike audience I forgot to include Australia in the list of countries. There doesn’t appear to be a way to edit the audience once created. I tried to delete it but a warning appeared & said that if I deleted the audience that it would not allow me to recreate it using the same list. I don’t dare delete it but I’m wondering what would happen if I did & started over? Has anyone tried this?


Hey - I had lots of trouble setting this up as well - I just kept starting over and eventually it appeared to work - yet as I went to the next step the audience I created does not appear as an option - there is an option to select a general audience based on age and gender… like you I would like to be able to target a lookalike audience as that makes the most sense… in addition there seems to me to be a video link missing in theweek1 one module - what’s missing is right after the manual setup of the Presell Page and before the Facebook ad setup - I’ve managed to access it a couple of times yet it is not part of the sequence?

To edit an Audience:

  1. Open Business Manager.
  2. Click Business Manager again and hover over All Tools.
  3. Under Assets, click on Audiences .
  4. Select the audience you want to edit .
  5. Click Actions and then Edit .
  6. Fill out all fields to your specification and click Update Audience

Hope this helps!

Thanks Sabrina but I’ve already tried this. It only allows you to change the Audience’s description. I see no way to add Australia in after the fact.

Have you tried uploading the audience again and adding Australia?

No, I didn’t want to try messing with a live ad campaign. I’m very new to the whole FB Business interface & workflow so I didn’t want to make things worse. I’m a 30 yr veteran IT guy & I know that what you don’t know can be very harmful especially in production. There’s probably a way to “pause” a live campaign & reload the audience but need to educate myself on the process first :slight_smile:

Hello again! I think I may have figured it out. I went into the Ad Set & was able to edit the audience & added Australia. I then selected “Publish”. That switched the Delivery status for the Campaign to “Review”. I’m guessing that once approved the campaign will resume.

Good idea :rofl:

Have you not tried adding an audience without editing the ad then change the audience that way rather than edit the one currently assigned?

Not sure if that would work as I havent tried it, just a thought :slight_smile:

Well, my Campaign (Ad Set & Ad) has just been set to Not Approved". I had a sneaky feeling that might happen. Unfortunately I can’t find any explanation as to why from the interface. I will now try your suggestion & add a new audience from scratch. It’s really a pity this process is so filled with pitfalls. I shouldn’t complain though. If it wasn’t for poorly written software I wouldn’t be employed. I spend at least 1/3 of my day jumping through hoops to get things to work so I’m used to this garbage. I’ll keep you posted…

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