Does the discount link for Bluehost still work?

Hi everybody,

Hope you all are making good progress with the course so far! I was wondering if any of you, had trouble getting the discounted price on Bluehost, using John’s discount link: ?

Prices on Bluehost plans are now higher than they were when the instruction video was filmed, so I am not sure the discount link is still valid? If anyone has an answer, I’d appreciate a response or any help on this matter.

Thank you in advance!


John’s image may no longer appear on the site but the discount is still valid.

However, it is billed in one payment so 12 months costs around $72.

Here are the instructions for getting started with Bluehost:

You do not need all of the extras, so when it comes to the package extras section, simply uncheck the boxes.

Alright, thank you for clearing that up. Will try again.

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