Does anyone know what determines your CPC?

Hi everyone,
My Google search ad cost $.49 and my Google display cost $6.55, I’m looking to see if anyone knows how to lower the cost of the display ad or do the run at a flat rate?

First-time marketer, so any knowledge on this matter helps.

Thank You!

Found this online, hope it helps:

CPC is calculated by dividing the total cost of your clicks by the total number of clicks. Your average CPC is based on your actual cost per click (actual CPC ), which is the actual amount you’re charged for a click on your ad. Note that your average CPC might be different than your maximum cost per click

Thank you, Sabrina.

That does help. I am also looking for tips on how to lower my cost per click if I can. Like, are their things I should consider that may bring my CPC up as a make new ads or adjust the ones I have.

Thank you

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4 Powerful Ways to Lower Your CPC in Google Ads

  1. Lower Bids. Lowering your bids is the most basic way to lower your Google Ads campaign average CPC . …
  2. Change Your Approach on Keywords. New Keywords Variations: …
  3. Improve Your Quality Score. Quality Score has a direct correlation on your PPC success. …
  4. Adjust Bids Beyond Keywords: Locations, Devices, and Ad Schedule.