Do we need to purchase hosting if we use ClickFunnels?

I’m confused as to whether we need to purchase hosting and use wordpress if we are using ClickFunnels? In the Support Desk section, I read the PDF for Setting Up Your Domain In ClickFunnels. So, can we do it that way versus using hosting/Wordpress? Thanks!

I have the same question. I ask because one can point a domain straight to ClickFunnels. I will follow the recipe, however, for future growth, it would be nice to know why. Thx.

You need a domain name to get to promote your ads better, and it makes it easier to work with those companies/individuals having offers on sites like Clickbank ect. Otherwise your options are limited using other means that may not be that fruitful in the future basically. Hope that makes sense. I am also learning as I go.

I’m fairly sure clickfunnels has it’s own hosting but what you should do is buy a custom domain and not use the one that clickfunnel provides by default