Do not see vendor settings on clickbank (Module 4)

I am following the instructions about google ad words tags but I cannot find the ClickBank Vendor settings tab on the clickbank interface it is very different then the one shown since menus are on left side now instead of the top. Can anyone point me in the right direction?



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Hi there, @earlyster!

You can locate your analytics reporting by going to ‘Accounts’ on the left side panel of your dashboard.


Then click the hyperlinked account nickname.

Locate and click the Vendor Settings tab on the horizontal navigation bar at the top of the screen. :slight_smile:

I don’t see any horizontal navigation across the top of the screen. I just see Clickbank logo and my name at the top of the screen

Ok I found what the problem was… I had to go to accounts and switch from safari browser to chrome. Safari. Safari was blocking the popup window that opens when you go to accounts view which is where I now found the horizontal menu at the top. I had to use chrome because safari wouldn’t show the google Adwords option in the drop down.

I cant find the hyper link acount