Direct Order Form Link for interested Client who have seen the Free Training to Join immediately?


A Customer through Facebook missed to join right away after watching the webinar since he got something else to attend to.

Is there any way to send him directly to the order form having my Affiliate number on it?

If I give him my clickbank hoplink, it will still lead him to undergo the webinar before getting access to join.

Hi Lea,

We don’t have any direct to checkout hop links, only a hop link to the opt in page.

Hi @Sabrina.

I did get it already by doing the below steps:

  1. Registered on the free webinar through my own website
  2. Watched almost 2 hours of the join live session and the Get Access button was shown.
  3. I checked the bottom of the order form and confirmed that it’s linked on my affiliate nickname.
  4. Copied that order form link…
  5. Run in new window and pretend to order
  6. Checked Hop count in Clickbank…
  7. Got the 1 hop count.
  8. Kept the confirmed order form link.

Btw, the customer just happened that is not capable on investing on the SAS program for now but is highly considering joining once he got the fund.

Thanks for being very responsive. :blush:

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Hello! Is this still the case? Does Lea’s approach work?


We now have the option to generate a hoplink for directly to the sales page :slight_smile: