Different display

after i ad sas pressale to my website, and goes to setting pop up, i ad a different display compared to the video. i dont have edit survey option in my pop ap pressale page, and the video shows that option, how can i go to that option in my site???

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Hi @noamazar84! Have you tried checking this knowledge article that we have about the updated Clickfunnels presell page set up?

I hope this helps.

What do I do if the compatibility check is saying; CloudFlare: [If you have blank pages, turn off minify for JavaScript]. I did everything else as the video showed, but at this step, instead of red, I am getting an orange color and that message.

Hi @Hawaabdi98! You really don’t have to worry about it, it’s a small clash between one of WordPress’s native plugin’s and Clickfunnels plugin but it will not be of any problem, as long as you don’t add a blank/empty funnel. :smile:

Okay. Thank you!:sweat_smile:

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@Hawaabdi98, you’re welcome! :slight_smile: