Did I get a sale...or not?

Hello jetsetters,
It is still unclear. Did I get a sale for promoting SAS ?


When asking Clickbank, I got this answer:

"Thank you for your inquiry. A select number of ClickBank vendors, including this one, are selling products with $0.00 trials. Because of that, there is no net profit from the initial transaction that the vendor can split. Please check directly with the vendor to know the commission that you will earn for any following rebillings of the subscription.

It appears your sale was for the trial of the product, which if the customer does not choose to cancel will lead to commission on all future sales."

So, someone bought a trial version of SAS for $0.00. S/he will pay if satisfied. At that point, I will get my commission?

The reason for asking about this is that I want to see that the commission payment actually works. When I see that it works, I will scale up pretty brutally and promote many more SAS subscriptions.


I’ve looked into this transaction and it is actually your subscription to the inner circle, not a SAS purchase :slight_smile:

Oh really :smiley: Good you helped me to clear that out.

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