Created subdomain, how do you add a presell page to it?

Hello evereyone. I went ahead and added a subdomain to my domain. How do I add a presell page to it? I tried installing wordpress to it like how John Crestani showed us with our main domain, but the subdomain is not listed there. I also looked in the wordpress where we added the clickfunnels plug-in and I don’t see the subdomain page there either. I only see the main domain. Please help, thank you.

Hi John!

If you’re using Clickfunnels you do not need a subdomain, you can add a new page using the plugin in WP.

If using the manual method, you need a subdomain:

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Thank you @Sabrina. I was doing it all wrong and wondering why my subdomains were unverified when I was in the Domain tab in Click Funnels. click%20funnels