Correlation between Google Ads and ClickBank

Hello everyone,

I was expecting to see a correlation between “Clicks” on Google Ads and “Hops” on ClickBank. I only have one Ad running under this Tracking ID. On Google, I see 61 Clicks, but ClickBank only registers 9 Hops. Is this normal? For Solo Ads on Udimi, there was a 1:1 relation between Clicks and Hops.

Any thoughts?


Hi @stack.daniel61. Let’s say you have this ad running and someone clicks the ad. They get taken to your presell page. This shows as a click on the advertising platform(Google). From there if the person that clicked goes through the survey they get sent to the offer opt-in page to sign up for the webinar, this will show as a hop in CB.

Also, you won’t see hops per order and hops per order form impression until you have your first sale since those stats further break down your sales conversions. I hope this clears it.

Yes, it does. Thank you.