Copying url to test website using manual method is not working

I was going through the week 2 modules and I was doing good following all the steps perfectly until i got to (8:46) of the manual method video. When I try copying my url with /test/ added to it all I get is a page not found pop up and not the John Crestani landing page. Is there anyone who knows what the issue may be and how to solve it?

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Usually it might be a missing letter or line, but I have not gotten to that step yet. My week 2 module is still locked. Let me know if you get the answer, because I am not sure if I did mine right.

Hi @bbiscoebusiness! Have you added the subfolder for ā€˜testā€™ to the public_html folder?
You may also check this knowledge base article about the updated manual method set up.

I hope this will help.

Mate Iā€™ve done week 2 over and over canā€™t tell you how fed up I am with manual method. If you can go the extra bucks go with Clickfunnel a lot easier. Youā€™ve got 2 free weeks to try but mark the date on your calendar or youā€™ll get slugged at the end of two weeks. Peter