Cool handle the link so i canceled and went to Bluehost

Is there a set by set for blue host.

is anyone else getting an error in cool handle when try to upload the file that it is to big.

i tried support but no answers, so i canceled and tried Blue host which John talks about early in the course. But now i lost on setting it up. I am pretty much suck.

Hi there!

We have a good tutorial on setting up your site on bluehost, itā€™s very similar, with the same cPanel :slight_smile:

Bluehost is indeed a little more comfortable at time, and you get an integrated free SSL certificate as well as preinstalled wordpress.

I hope you manage to set everything up today!

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The tutorial for setting up your presell page in Bluehost is here:

John starts out in week 2 recommending Cool Handle, but in week 3 heā€™s using Blue Host,which is what I went with after reading the forum and finding out CH didnā€™t offer SSL for free. Blue Hostā€™s interface is almost exactly what John is using in CH. Almost all of them are the same, with very slight differences.

Yeah I signed up with cool handle to on thinking it would work out but not really working you might want to change that on the video so people are not waisting their money on coolhandle hosting then waisting their time trying to set things up getting confused cause your using bluehost in other videos, that doesnt make sense come onā€¦dont do this to peopleā€¦thats not coolā€¦

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Here is my experience with Coolhandle. After signing up I was bombarded with 4 get rich quick schemes (plus down sells). I had to send three emails before their customer service people understood that my welcome email did not contain my client area login instructions. These people like to argue and act stupid. After finally receiving my login info, I had to access the Cpanel to go to my Wordpress admin section. This cannot be changed. The Cpanel has a very cryptic password I cannot remember. When I decided to cancel, I had to call their toll free numberā€¦mission completeā€¦I thought. Two days after the cancellation I was billed. I called in for a second time and talked to the same customer service rep that took my earlier cancellation. He stated that the earlier cancellation instructions were wrong, and that he would place a manual cancellation. I notified my credit card companyā€¦a bunch of first rate morons.

Iā€™m sorry to hear that you guys had such a bad experience with Coolhandle, to my personal experience, indeed bluehost is the more reliable choice.

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Water under the bridge. I might go with Bluehost or Siteground.

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Thanks Sabrina. You answered my question beautifully. I already signed up with Bluehost from SAS v. 2.0. I donā€™t want to buy another web page. :smile: :sun_with_face:

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