Hello jetsetters,
Gathering data from my first month as an affiliate marketer,
and you know what?
I got one conversion between 23-30 September. For the SAS course.
It’s on adWords search.
The conversion is a 18-24 years old guy in South Africa.
Yet I see no sale on Clickbank.
I really checked that my hoplink was right.
Did I not get my hoplink right,
or what?
October 23, 2019, 11:36am
Were you using a conversion pixel? If so, this may show the pixel firing when someone makes it to the order form, but have not actually purchased.
If you did successfully make a sale, it would show in Clickbank reporting.
Ok cool, so at least it got to the order form.
(About 10 of these to get one sale.)
So did you go back and change the search ad to conversions and click on the two conversions that we created? I’m not sure what to do or if I have done this right. I have only had 5 clicks over 24 hours.