Contact | Terms | Privacy

Hello Amazing SAS team,
As I understand, is mandatory to have Contact | Terms | Privacy Terms in our website/squeeze/landing pages. FB, and YouTube are paying a lot of attention about it.
If I promote Click bank offers, Am I allowed to use their Contact | Terms | Privacy in my squeeze page?
Can you please help me out solving the issue?
Thank you

Hi Pilar! Yes generally you ARE allowed to use these conditions as you are basically operating under their terms, exactly as these are used on our (SAS) presell page. Itā€™s smart to confirm with the vendor though first :slight_smile:

Hi IIyaG,

Iā€™ve seen pre-sell pages that have the Term|Privacy|Policy etc linked to Cllickbank, while other pre-sell pages have them linked to the actual vendorā€™s site. So Iā€™m a little confuse of how it should be linked.

Iā€™ve also seen the statement: ā€œThis is no part of the Facebook websiteā€¦ā€, and I was curious the reason why its included and if its mandatory to place it in our pre-sells.

Also, how do we go about writing the copyright/disclaimer info to our pre-sells? Do we copy/paste from the vendorā€™s site?

I was hoping to get a general rule of thumb of how we should go about adding all that info the proper way to our pre-sell footnote. I know they are small details, but I havenā€™t seen a consistent or standardized examples of how it should be written.

Thank you

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Hi @almatienzo, I hope Iā€™m not late to answer your question.

To stay compliant with Facebook, Google, and other advertising networks, our presell pages needs to have a footer or a section for terms, policies, contacts, and the like.

This can be Clickbank/Digistore24(affiliate network), vendors, or your own terms and conditions, disclaimer, contact us, and/or GDPR. Just make sure you have this info via a few links on your page so that youā€™ve established as a serious independent business in Google or Facebookā€™s eyes.

The ā€œThis is no part of the Facebook websiteā€¦ā€ disclaimer is also for Facebook compliance. You do not need to add it on your page if you are not promoting on Facebook, otherwise, it is still best to add it to your page.

You can also copy disclaimers from the vendorsā€™ sales page to make sure everything is congruent.

You can have a specific footer that you use for all presell pages or have a different footer depending on the product or vendors sales page, it will all be up to you.

If you are using the SASPanel, we have a template for a footer that you can use.

Just simply go to the ā€˜Savedā€™ tab and locate ā€˜Saved Modulesā€™ and select the footer you wish to use.

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