Confusion about Instructions!

Okay, I just want to say out of respect for John Crestani, I am trying to take action as was instructed instead of just going through listening. I’m literally writing important points of everything he says, have paused to make sure I’m absorbing what he’s teaching and reviewing what I’ve written, going back over videos I’ve already watched, and going to the chat discussions to look for previous discussions already had.
My confusion is from after Week 1’s “Finding Clickbank Offers” when at the end of the video he told us to find a product and go make money. I am having issues trying to find where the hop links that I copy go to. I am very confused and need someone to break this down in laymen’s terms for me PLEASE!! I am doing this for my kids who need more time with Dad and instead, I’ve been spending a lot of it on here trying to figure out what probably comes very naturally to most! Please somebody help me! I don’t even care if you friend me on facebook so we can communicate easier! I am desparate for help!

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I’m also confused about if I need a landing page yet and where to get it. I don’t know if he hasn’t explained most of this yet, but I want to honor him and do the action and make money instead of being an over-analyzer.

@orinsdad, hey Jeff, don’t worry, everything about your website, landing page and this sort of (important) stuff will be clear during the second module :slight_smile:

About your Clickbank hoplink, that’s your bread & butter! The hoplink is what you want to drive traffic to using ALL KINDS OF ADVERTISING! You will choose a product, build a presell / landing page for it which will include your hoplink on it, then you’ll advertise it all over the internet, to get sales and commissions, and John will show you exactly how to do that :slight_smile:


IIyaG thank you! I just want to make sure that I’m understanding and following instructions EXACTLY how John is expecting! A lot of these terms I’m still unfamiliar with and some of what I’ve learned I believe I’ve possibly misunderstood as instructions. I’m just wanting to make sure that I haven’t missed a crucial foundational step that directly affects every action I must take on other steps down the road!


It would be very helpful if a proper task list was included for each weeks module, it would provide a clear path for the absolute beginner.


Hi! My name is Nicole. I’m new here!

Nice to meet you. I already finished the first module and I am a bit confused regarding my taking action steps. Can you please help out validating the following information:

  • I have to open an affiliate Clickbank account

  • I have to choose a niche

  • I have to pick a name for my website

  • I have to find out good products for my niche in Clickbank

  • I have to find a good Solo Ads provider for my niche

Then, should I wait for week two to buy the domain, click funnels, and WordPress?

I suppose I can´t hire any solo ads yet because, at this point, I haven’t worked with any sales page, I don’t have a place to embed the tracking codes or opt-in form to save the leads, am I right?

If so, how it comes that some people get their first sale during their first week?

Thank you in advance for your assistance :slight_smile:


hello Gyuz,
Can anybody please instruct me how can i utilize the list of Emails, Fb Names and others given in resources in Targetting Data?? Please i am confused.
help me:roll_eyes:

hi there orinsdad Im new to all this too and i had the exact same thought about the hoplink, once its made where do we put it? do we wait til the whole training course is complete then put in the hoplinks and what ever else we do before we start making any money??
feel a bit lost…i see that you posted this a wee while ago, i hope you got it sorted it out.

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I feel exactly the same. :frowning:

Hi everyone!

I am new here too, and i am reading all this comments and is literally about WEEK 1, But what i am doing instead of jumping right into start promoting ads in any platform or any way, i am taking a lot of NOTES and LISTENING to John, he is just explaining us how to do it but i am sure that by the end of WEEK 1 or starting WEEK 2 he will actually go STEP-BY-STEP on how to get the link to promote it, create a website, landing pages, solo ads, etc. I AM NOT GOING TO START PROMOTING WITH OUT KNOWING HOW TO! Like JOHN SAID … IF YOU DON’T KNOW SOMETHING OR HAVE QUESTIONS, JUST WAIT FOR THE NEXT LESSON OR MODULE AND MOST LIKELY YOUR ANSWERS WILL BE THERE.

So lets NOT JUMP into conclusions right away! This is just the beginning.

Good Luck to everyone :grinning::+1:


@shav7 @marcia_moore No need to worry guys :relaxed: In the next modules John will teach you various methods of traffic…you will learn how to use your hoplink, how to create your own site and so on. So please be patient and try to internalise all of John’s recommendations -it’s very important that you understand the basic things he teaches you in this first module. A good foundation is what you need for the upcoming modules! Good luck and enjoy the upcoming week 2 :+1:

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Thank you for that @BastianS I guess I just panicked but yeah John does say that its important to listen and take it all in before you just jump in, that why we’re all here yeah ? for his guidance?
@lilianarojas11 thats great advice, I need to calm not panic and take it at a steady pace. WE have a long way to go yet,
Good luck all x


@shav7 Exactly :grinning::+1: I am glad we all are understanding the process.

Hi, I am a bit confused here. In the training on selling products from CLICKBANK, John said to copy the hotlink from Click bank and paste it on the swipe email. In the video training, John showed how the hotlink from Clickbank is to be copied and pasted on the swipe email. In the training on Common Mistakes, John said that we must not use the link from Clickbank or click funnel. Instead we must use our own domain.

So for the swipe emails which are to be sent out by the email marketers in Udimi, are we to use the hoplink from CLICKBANK or our domain. Based on John’s training on Common Mistakes, I purchase a domain from Blue Host. When are we to use the domain. May I know whether a website is provided by SAS to market SAS and other click bank products. Your advice/clarification will be most appreciated.


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Hi there, I’m not a newbie and I see where all this is heading, but… why does John talk about facebook ads, not using a domain and not excluding mobile in the Setup Mistakes video? Maybe I missed something, but I don’t recall him talking about any of those things to this point. He says we’re supposed to have gone and run an ad, but it wasn’t really spelled out that that is what we’re supposed to do yet. It seems like there’s something missing or something is out of order somewhere. I’m excited to move forward and trust the process but I can see how this would be confusing for people.

I am at the same point. I’ve already made that mistake but I’m going to see what the next step is, maybe I just haven’t gotten to the videos

Thanks :slight_smile:
Do we need to use Blue Host to set up our website?

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Hi @marcia_moore! Yes, you will need Bluehost as our recommended hosting website to register your domain. Once you have your domain set up, you may either use the manual method, Clickfunnels or Thrive to create and set up your presell pages. :smile:

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