Completed Week 1, moving on to Week 2

Done Week 1 and will start Week 2 later today.

June Welford

Fantastic! Do you have access for week 2 already?

Yes, I do have access to Week 2 now. Am focusing on going through it at the moment. Learn what I need to know.

June Welford

Congratulations! Sounds like you are moving right along.

I finished the welcome and week one today. Will start the new week in the morning.


Thanks Vikk. Completed Week 2 today, but will go through again and I am going to create my website. A must do.

June Welford

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Yes and done Week 2.

June Welford

Hi, I am Ange. I am from Sydney ā€¦
I had completed all of Week 1 too. I paid for the full SAS but it says Week 2 - Invalid access. Itā€™s been ā€œlockedā€ for 3 days. Just for those who feel frustrated like me with the waiting ā€¦ Under Archived courses you can got more trainingā€¦
But more importantly as John says Put into Action. So ā€¦

I started a thread called Peer Accountability under General Discussion so we can encourage and keep each other accountable. Iā€™ve listed my goals for week one. Hope to see you there : Peer Accountability

Letā€™s encoruage and keep each other accountable because it is so easy to get lost and give up esp with see people who said they lost a lot in SoloAds without a single sale.

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Hi Ange, Thank you for your info. I am from Melbourne. I have the issue as your. Finished week1 2 days ago but can not access to week2. Donā€™ know what to do. I have asked John for help but no respond yet. I am frustrated to.after week1 I try 200 on solo ad but there are no sale. I donā€™t know should try more on solo ad or wait for week2 and do something different. Need help! Wishing you all the best of luck.

Hi @mtranlee Minh, @IlyaG suggested we take it easy with solo ads : Tried 1st Solo Ads Another threat he says he is looking for other vendors, Igorā€™'s one does not seem to be delivering results. I suggest have a read through the forum/community people share their experience. Then again some (who wanted me to pay for coaching) say donā€™t listen to those who are not performing ā€¦ it is scaring me off or discouraging me.
But I think testing tells a lot. If others have tested and its not working. There may be reasons for it but
I am reading to see what others have tested and reported to have not work or have worked. Maybe those who got it working not returning to report success.
Btw @mtranlee, not that I have tried but perhaps submit a request tciket regarding your campaign. Show them your ad copy and the vendor you ordered form. See if they provide you any feedback on how you may improve.
So far I have not raised other kind of simple questions ticket as I have not got around to set up any campaign as yet. They usually take about 12-24 hours for a week day to respond cause of our time difference.
Btw, I shared my two cents on Solo Ads in Traffic For Me Solo Ads
Wishing you the best too @mtranlee.

I started last Tuesday. I went through and completed the first week that day. Today, I received an email that said week 2 was unlocked and i could go ahead.

Johnā€™s method is for us to go week by week. Not day by day and rush through the course. He gives us enough to focus on the weekā€™s work. He believed in learning through action and experience. I concentrated on what were given in week one and checked out a variety of potential offers in Clickbank and drew up a potential list. I poked around in the community and found some interesting case studies. I listened to the weekly training on Wednesday. Thereā€™s a lot here. (@Ange, @mtranlee)

The first week we are exposed to various types of ads but arenā€™t expected to do Solo ads. The training contained in within the support and archived weekly lessons is vast. I spent the rest of the week checking everything out and through the support community got a real sense of the whole.

Week 2 is where we get the website and focus on each type of ad.

Anyway, thatā€™s been my approach. Now I can proceed into week 2.


I have the same issue, since this is a weekly program depending on when you started the course, we will need to wait for week 2 to open, for me that would be at the end of the week. We can keep learning using the other courses archives and weekly calls, there is so much to learn here.

I hope this helps.

Yes i did the same finished week 1 on my first day spent 8 hrs on my pc lol. Now need to wait another week to unlock week 2. Meantime catching up on Johnā€™s other videos.