Clickfunnels not found in wordpress plugins

Hello, I’m new to this course and I’ve been following all the steps in the video.
But while trying to install plugins, I found out that clickfunnels is not coming up in the plugin section when I search for it. Can someone help please?

Hello ayman.244.islam

In clickfunnels on Wordpress go into Plugins => ADD NEW => next to the search box make sure it states KEYWORD => type in search box CLICKFUNNELS

Here you should at least be able to get the one you shouldn’t install…

The CORRECT Clickfunnels on Wordpress to install is not found

With a little digging there is a support document that does seem to help with straight forward images

That being said I have tried to download the zip file on the support page with no luck … Maybe with a fresh pair of eyes you can help me out

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I am new to the coarse and am having the same issue. It looks like that is because Bluehost updated their interface from “Legacy” (what you on the screen in the training video) to “Rock.” as afar as I can tell buttons have been either moved and/or renamed. have you found an answer to get around this yet? any help would be appreciated.

see for any updates on this part as this where i am stuck

After some google searches…I found this- Once on the webpage click on green CODE button and you will see towards the bottom clickfunnels-master zip file. Download it and go ahead and add new. Then you have to do the upload option to manually upload it. Then activate it. Just did it a few moments ago. Worked fine for me. Good luck!

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thank you very much the help. just downloaded and plug in worked. took several downloaded but we can move forward now .

Update, of course right after I posted this I found the zip file download in Module 2 Downloads. Setting Up Your WordPress Website then inside of that PDF is the link Download the ClickFunnels plugin (zip file) from I didn’t see it the first time.