Clickfunnels Method - Available Domains - Wordpress Installer


I’m following through the video of the Clickfunnels method and got to the part of the video where John clicks on WordPress Installer under Software Installers in cPanel. He then clicks on the blue box on the top left labelled “Install WordPress”.

At that point, my screen differs from his. I only have 2 sections: New Domain and Email Address. When I typed in my domain under the New Domain box, I get the warning text box saying “You cannot park your main domain.”

What does that mean? Do I need to make another domain so that my screen matches his, and that I get a third box that says “Available” like in the video?


Having the exact same problem. Look forward to a solution! Find anything out yet?



Same issue with me as well. :slight_smile:

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Can you please post screen shot so we know what you see?

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Also maybe consider creating a page. ex. —> ?

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I have the same issue as well.

Hi Imann90,

For example this is what i see


Oh i see, thanks for sharing. Weird that others are having the same issue. Have you tried reaching out to your hosting provider? Gotta be something on the backend. I used a different web host that i like and have used for years called Didn’t seem to run into this problem.

I dont know for sure if it is your hosting but id highly suggest telling them you cannot install wordpress.

Only thing i can think of is that your hosting provider gives you a free website that comes with your domain url purchase and that is blocking you from installing wordpress because you already have a website up somewhere.

Sorry i couldnt be of more help.

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Okay everyone. I decided to live on the edge a little and try to fix this on my own. And you know what…SUCCESS! The error message displayed on the WordPress Installer is coming from the status.

If you notice the status, it says that “files were found in the directory for this domain”.

What I realized is that the manual set up I had done in the lesson before was blocking me from adding the wordpress plugin. I went back into the control panel and then back into the file manager:

From there I reversed the steps I took with the manual upload by going into the public_html link:

And then I removed all of the files from that folder. These were the files I had extracted from the .zip file that I was instructed to do in the previous lesson.

Here’s the good news…it worked! I was able to get the wordpress installer to work after that! Good luck everyone. Hit me up if you have questions on what I did. Good luck and have fun storming the castle!



Hi marcusdtucker,

So you went to this page?

I was wondering which file/folder you deleted exactly? I’m guessing - css, img folders , index html and SAS Survey presell ?

Thanks for your help

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Yup…deleted everything in that entire section. Then it will let you complete the wordpress plugin. Good Luck!

What is wordpress used for?
Making word changes in the website??

Hey guys. It’s good to see I wasn’t the only one having this issue. I’m glad it’s figured out. I have a question:

Aside from the above issue, I actually noticed that my screen was not matching up with John Crestani’s at the part when we double clicked on the “public_html” folder. His showed only one folder labeled with his website. Mine had some folder labeled with random letters, and underneath there was a file labeled “index.htm”. Again, this was before he showed how to upload the zip file. Now that we figured out that we need to delete folders and/or files in this area to get the wordpress installed correctly,I want to be sure I’m leaving everything that was originally there before the manual upload of the SAS zip file. So far I’ve deleted the “index.html” file, “css” folder, and “img” folder as you guys stated, but I had left the “index.htm” file and random letters folder. Can anyone confirm that their screen had the “index.htm” file and the random letters folder before the upload?

I followed along and deleted what we ended up installing. Ran the worpress installer as mentioned above. Then i went back and re uploaded those SAS Files we put in. So far Everything is working.

Thanks for figuring it out as I was having the same issue.
But I do have a question about this…

Are we supposed to choose just one of these methods or input both of them?
Seems like each one works on its own but JC doesn’t mention anything else about it in Week 2.

Hi almatienzo,

Quick question… I’m having the same issue… Just to be clear…
You opened up the SAS Survey Presell file… and then deleted All that is in there?

Can you tell me the steps you followed after that? Appreciate any help… :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone!

Hey Stuart…
I did the same thing… but when I tried to set up the clickfunnels presell page … I got this… any guidance on how you corrected this? Appreciate any assistance…

This worked for me too, thanks marcusdtucker and almatienzo! I left the files ‘cgi-bin’ and ‘index.htm’ and was able to successfully install wordpress.

Hey @david! Where did you register your domain? was it with Coolhandle? or an external site? (Such as GoDaddy)

And @marcusdtucker, brilliant work! Thanks for figuring that error message out. Indeed wordpress cannot be installed if the domain is “occupied”. I’ll be adding this to our FAQ :slight_smile:

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Did anyone have problems with the cPanel WordPress Brute Force Protection? I literally copied and paste my user name and password and its saying its wrong and not letting me in. Anyone had that same problem?