Clickbank registration page is new

It looks like Clickbank changed its signup account page since John recorded his video. Here is what it looks like now: I just want to make sure I’m filling it out correctly. I get the tax ID# but the following session: Let’s optimize your performance… asks what I want to do and how much revenue my company makes. Anyways, I just want to do it write the first time. Any advice is appreciated.

It is the same page that I saw when I was signing up. Don’t worry about it and just leave it blank if you do not own your own business or fill it to the best of your ability. Anyways, after you finish signing up, it will ask you to create a username and you can get to the page that John was on by clicking on your username. It seems to be the link that transports you to the affiliate marketplace world now…:laughing:


Thanks. I feel stupid, but it just threw me when it wasn’t what he said it was.

Hi @cgriffith7338! You may also check this article on how to sign up with Clickbank and completing your profile. :smile:


Hey, no worries. I feel like I am not smart enough either whenever John comes up with something new like manual entry and solo ads sale…:joy:

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I’m just going to go through the weeks’ training and then try to implement what they have taught. I think I’ll get it, I’m just new to it all and I was feeling overwhelmed. I hope you’re having good luck with the training. It’s nice to know I’m not alone.

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I’m struggling to choose a nickname. What style is best? I think it needs to look professional but mind has gone blank as to what to pick.

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