Clickbank not showing hop count

hi im having a problem with clickbank not showing my hop count I have set everything up and gone through week two but my affiliate link I added to johns funnel on the outcome from the pop up isn’t showing up on clickbank on the reporting tab can anyone help

I know for me the “hop count” only shows if I click all the way through my affiliate link and answer the 3 questions to get transitioned over John’s actual web page. If it is not this, I am not sure. Good luck on your journey to the exciting future!

Hi @craiggp01, a hop will only show once a customer goes through the survey page. You can share your link here for us to test and try.

hi I have the hop count showing for a few days now ive been running google ads and now the youtube video mashup one.ive had around 200 clicks on the google ads but the hop count doesn’t go up does this mean people are only going to the first page and not signing up to webinar or a problem on my end with clickbank affiliate link.i did check it a few times to make sure it got saved.could you give me some advice on this I have only spent around £200 pounds on the ads so far so maybe more needed to get a good idea

Hi @craiggp01, if you have an ad running and someone clicks on your ad. They get taken to the presell page. This shows as a click on the advertising platform(google). From there if the person that clicked goes through the survey they get sent to the offer opt-in page to sign up for the webinar, this will show as a hop in CB.

Are you using the same presell page we have readily available for you or have you created your own presell page?