Clickbank help to track clicks/hops


Hi!. Can someone please explain when the “hops per order,” hops per order form registration," and “order form impression count” shows something other than ZERO? I’m trying to see if I set everything up ok on my website. Do these numbers register only after the full video plays or do any number change once the email is captured?

I believe the order form impression happens at the end of the webinar presentation. So unless someone watches to the near end of the video, the order form impression count is not increased.

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After someone watches the webinar they go to the sales page. If they load the order form by clicking the purchase button you will get an order form impression. An order form server call is when the check out page is filled out and submitted. If the sale is successful then you’ll see an initial sales count. You won’t see hops per order and hops per order form impression until you have your first sale since those stats further break down your sales conversions.

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