Click Funnel Charged my Bank Account before pretrial was Over

Click Funnel charged my Account almost a hundred dollars, I’m unhappy about this charge. I have not made a dime yet with this System and currently at the end of Week 3.

I will be canceling the Click Funnel tomorrow, I got in this Business to make a little something and not give more away that I already don’t have. Is the Click Funnel a must have in order for this SAS Online Business to Work? The Support Staff is…

Hi, I totally understand you that we don’t want to lose anymore money. But i have to tell you if you want to succeed in this business you must have Clickfunnels, I absolutely love this soft wear. Do your own research and you will see it for yourself what i mean… Im so thankful to John for letting me know about clickfunnels. In my opinion together with a John course and clickfunnels we can succeed in this business. My best regards.

Hi Emmanuel,

You do not have to have Clickfunnels, it is easier to work with than manually putting up pages for most people but if you are good with getting presell pages up manually then you don’t need it.


Must have? Have you made few sales with the system? How long have you been an Affiliate? For myself, its only been three weeks with zero sales as of today 6/25. I have daily YouTube and Google Ads piling up fees and nothing to show friends and family as proof that his system works.

I will be finishing week 4 tomorrow and look forward to see what else he wants us to advertise for leads…

hi Anna 100,

what you say makes total sense. what kind of timeline have you experienced before seeing a profit?

have you found more compatibility using chrome vs safari? I just started and am curious because I have read some posts with other members having compatibility issues.

Thanks for your help!

Hi, everyone:slightly_smiling_face:. Ok, let’s hear my story. My FB ad was approved almost right away and I promoted JC’s course, didn’t make a one sale, but just pretty nasty comments. Right now looking for a different product to promote, maybe I’m taking little to slow but I don’t want to make mistake and waste more money. I do realize that I need to take action instead of looking for a perfect product. Now about Clickfunnels, I’m using Chrome for everything it’s my favorite browser that never gave me a problem. The reason I’m liking this software so much is because we don’t need to use code and can build beautiful pages. Even I do have experience with with HTML, CSS and JavaScript I prefer to spend less time in building website and it’s also fun working with funnels. For instance you could use Wordpress to build a website but you can make only one single sell each time with the type of tools they offer to build forms. Let me know if Im wrong.To create sales page and at least two offer pages you need a sort of page builder, not only Clickfunnels out there but other ones too and cheaper. My personal preference is Clickfunnels. I like to start making more money right a way with up sales not just selling one product at the time. Forgive me my grammar, English is not my primary language. I also forget to mention that Im on my week four. Luck to everyone!

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Hi Anna, Clickfunnels does make it a lot easier. You can use the presell pages and load them manually, which you would have to have your domain and then make subdomains to load them individually

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Thank you Sheryl, if I ever get disappointed with Clickfunnels I utilize the manual method. I’ve notice you’ve been long time in the community how is going for you, did you find your niche? Can you share little bit of your experience, did you figured out the traffic and building your audience?
What is the most difficult task to achieve? Highly would appreciate your answer. Im sure all newbie would love to hear your tips. Thank again.

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Sheryl, Im pretty embarrassed for the mistake I’ve made in my last comment:joy:. Just want to correct my self about manual method, i would not utilize it, so sorry, i will adapt it instead. Hope everyone laughing:rofl:

Hello Anna - I work for John. Once you get yourself setup and understand how it works, it does work. For some the tweeking takes a little longer than others. I prefer Clickfunnel if the product has a funnel, just easier to deal with for me. The most difficult thing was getting the correct audience narrowed down for the product. But once you do that you will make sales. :slight_smile:

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Sheryl, thank you for sharing your experience and keeping us motivated.:slightly_smiling_face:

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