Checklist @ Week 1

Hello Everyone.

This course is my first venture into studying affiliate marketing.

Just finished week 1, and recap it step by step below:

I’d love a confirmation from some one who has applied these in practice that this checklist below is in order and sequence.

  1. Pick a niche: eg. Biz Opp
  2. Pick an affiliate network: eg. Clickbank
  3. Pick a product: eg. SAS
  4. Get my own affiliate link from click bank
  5. Pick a traffic source: eg. solo ads (week1)
  6. Pick a provider network e.g. Sam from Udimi
  7. Provide them email swipe for that product, with my own Clickbank ID link
  8. Split test with variations of emails
  9. Track and test how the campaign runs

There is a lot of information that I’m still understanding, and feel like i need to equip myself more before going out there and posting ads or even doing solo ads.

Also, Several questions on my mind, such as:

  1. How do we Create a Presell Page ? Any link to tutorial video?
    Is this even required or we can start selling without it, simply by linking to the affiliate click bank ID.

  2. How can we create a Funnel in the manual way? Any videos or pdf?

I love the simplicity and concept of solo ads. Just want to make sure that all i need is a click bank ID and an email swipe which I share with Udimi?

*so much to learn!! :sunny:


Congrats on getting through week one!

Hope you found it interesting and helpful. Great breakdown, especially useful for other new members :slight_smile:

Yes, just get your hoplink from CB and an email swipe. The solo ad provider will send these out to their email list.

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Hi Ruchika, how are you? It’s nice to see how structured and serious you are about your business, good job! I’d like to give you a glimpse at how the course looks like in the coming weeks, so you can understand where & when the topics that you’ve mentioned are covered :slight_smile:

Week 2 would be about setting up your site (presell page, hosting plan etc).
Week 3 About Google advertising!
Week 4 about YouTube/Video ads
Week 5 about Facebook and social advertising
Week 6 about advanced techniques and methods.

We’re glad to have you with us!


Hey IlyaG

Thanks for the heads up on what to expect. I’m just in the middle of week 1 so my head is still spinning with questions and all.

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Hi Ilyag & Sabrina,

Thanks for your confirmation and clarification.

I just started week 2, it answers all my questions.

All the terms such as presell page, landing page, squeeze page, etc they all mean the same thing i.e. a website. So now all is clear :slight_smile:

Will update soon once I finish week 2.

Have a nice weekend all!

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