Capturing leads

Hi all,

More of a technical question, is there a way to capture the email leads so that we too can build our email list from the solo ads runs?

look forward to hearing from you.


That information is under week one other solo ad providers Igor Kheifets in particular.
I hope that this will be helpful.

Have a look at Week 1 bryan biscoe ā€œresearching and selecting solo ad campaignsā€ video he talks about using facebook audience using a FB pixel in your web page to capture customer emails

Nishil, I wondered the same. I do know how to create a lead capture page, in generalā€¦ I am wondering how to incorporate it with the swipe ads provided. In the Igor video, John specifically says he doesnā€™t cover this in the scope of this course. I think everyone needs to capture their own leads. In fact, my first solo ad attempt got kicked back for that very reason, so I guess Iā€™m on the right track & found a quality, high integrity solo ad provider who wouldnā€™t even run my ad without a lead capture page of my own. I want to share because I do think this is very important. Also, the FB pixel & retargeting doesnā€™t actually capture emails directly, it lets you create ads that are shown to people who came to that webpage & have a FB account. So really, your own page with lead capture, linked to your autoresponder is how you have to capture their info on your own. Iā€™d still love ideas on how to best connect that with the swipe files included for a particular product, esp SAS.