Can't get the hoplink to save

After replaced the clickbank hoplink, Click “Back” the default URL coming back. When Click “SAVE” The hoplink is not there. Very frustrated. I really need help.


did you get any help because I am going through the same problem

LOL. the solution to all this is in the new Ilya video which I just reviewed. I had same problem…the answer is to hit the ENTER key once you’ve pasted the link!!! Too bad this has gone on so long. Can’t wait for further new videos!

same prob so you paste the link and then hit enter which video is that?

No video. Answer came from support

I too am having trouble. I’ve tried to get the hoplink to save but wonder if I’m in the correct spot. What John shows in the video to click on settings of the ad go to options and click on the survey, outcomes and then there is the place for the link …the only thing I can find is under settings then general then on submit go to and to put in an url but nothing will save…I’ve tried hitting enter as above, then asks to save template which i do …Go back into clickbank to see if hop link is there and nothing shows. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for the help

I am having this exact same issue

Hi @marilyn and @jeremycaler! Are you guys still having issues saving your hoplink to Clickfunnels? try to hit the enter twice after pasting the hoplink to the field. Let me know.

Yes, someone from support actually did it for me, but I finally found where it goes, and I wrote it down for the next time. Thanks for getting back to me.

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I figured it out just needed to watch the video again. Thank You!

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Yes! I pressed enter twice after pasting my link and it worked! Thanks again!

@jeremycaler and @jasonkioke, awesome! great work you guys. :+1:

I was having trouble with the hoplink working too. So I came to this thread and found the answer. Thanks guys! I pressed enter 2 times and it worked.:+1:

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Hi @sandralittle55. Awesome! That’s great to know. :+1:

Im having trouble. everytime i copy and paste the generated hoplink into a web browser it brings me to an error page. what is going on

Hi @Xa.salas161, are you using Clickfunnels or the manual method? Can you send me a screenshot of the error message to better assist you?

Hi @Xa.salas161, for which product is this? Is this for the erase my back pain?

This happens to me with every product

any ideas on what to do?