Cant get into module

"# Invalid Access

You tried to reach a page you do not have access to. If you are an Internet Jetset member, return to the IMJetset dashboard here. If you are a Super Affiliate System member, you may have been trying to reach content from a week that has not opened up yet – hang tight!

If you are not a Super Affiliate System member and want to join, learn more here.

If you feel you are reaching this page in error, please email [email protected]."

It looks like you should be seeing week three in a few days based on your sign up date. If you are unsure about this please open a support ticket at [email protected] so we can take a closer look.

I have been trying for three days now to get into the third week videos. I have finished all of the tasks for the first two weeks. Watched some of the videos two or three times. I have a FB ad in review and a Google ad running. I am bored and twiddling my thumbs. I found the “to do” things under the badges this morning. I did not know about them and two days ago when I asked about week 3, I wasn’t told that I had not completed them, if that is what has week 3 locked. I hope I will have access to Week #3 soon.

Hi Sara,

same issue here with week two lessons. please advise?

Same here. Really want to move ahead to Youtube ads but locked out. Finished Week 2, Google ads under review, same story as what others are saying. Has anyone gotten any answers about this yet? Thanks.

Very strange. I kept clicking on Week 3 and somehow magically just got in. I hope the rest of you get in as easily as I just did. I was just about to send a support ticket when I was allowed in. No clue but I’ll take it!

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