Can we post the presell page in word press? and post different affiliate products in different categories under one domain?

Can we post John’s presell page under one category (homebizopp) in word press and have many different other category host different affiliate products such as (Nutrition supplements or skim care …etc.)
IF yes, CAN you show me how? I think every newbie like me would really like to know how?

IF NO, why?

by the way, I know click funnel is a great tool, but I believe only using word-press under one domain name and host different affiliate products under different categories that our-self created is possible. I just don’t know how to cross through this technical problem!!

Hi there!

Yes, it is possible for sure :slight_smile: It’s very important that you are able to promote as many products as you wish.

Indeed clickfunnels make it easier and more straight forward to work with additional presell pages with additional slugs, but you can do it through your hosting service as well! There is no meaning to the “Wordpress category”.

First, you’d need to set up a new subdomain for the other product that you wish to promote, please refer to this article for details.

Then on each subdomain (Essentially on each new folder created for your cPanel), you can host a new website with the subdomain you chose (ex.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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Thank you for the Answer, IIyaG

This reason I ask this question is because I’ve heard the training on the FB advertising course that it is best to create some sort of Branding on our webpages when we post the affiliate presell pages.
And then, I thought why not use wordpress to make the top banner with a logo on it and than it will make the presell pages we promote gets branding effect it to the market.
or, is there is any other way if we don’t use wordpress and use subdomain instead?

sorry, I don’t know any html or website codings, I need it simple!!

What’s the difference between the manual method and the Clickfunnels method?

The best method to get your branding done, would be using Clickfunnels. Clickfunnels allows easy creation & editing of pages, therefore adding a logo, a title or essentially anything you’d like, would take less than a minute :slight_smile: Have you got some experience with Clickfunnels already? They offer a free 14 days trial, and it’s quite a powerful tool.

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Hey Catiana, good question and an essential one to move forward :slight_smile:

Manual method: You get a folder of files (containing HTML files and others) which you’d upload to your hosting service cPanel, which then comprises your presell page on your domain. It’s easy to do but not so easy to make changes to the page.

Clickfunnels: An app/website that essentially eases out the presell page creation process. You can add the pre-made pages that John offers on resources tab with one click, create your own or make any changes to them, in just a few clicks of a button. It’s easily integrate-able with your domain, allowing you to advertise as many products as you want and as many variations of presell pages for these products, as you need.

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I haven’t start with clickfunnels because as I know that $99/month can only have 3 funnels, so my understanding is one funnel one product. With $99/month I wish to have more product funnels. and there is always a premium level which is $297/month, and you get unlimited funnels.
Q1. Which plan is the best option for a newbie like me? and why?
Q2. Is there a way to take a few extra steps but save the spending on buying funnels?

I would rather spend the money on more exposure or run a different ad.
Please let me know from your pass experience until now, if any one of you goes back to where I am right now how would you make this decision? Please let me know which one is a smart choice. and why?
sorry for begin so cautious, because I would like to promote more than 3 products and I am not ready to spend $297 on funnels unless it’s a 100% necessary and I can make sure the following success will cover the expanse it in a short period of time.

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Hi, I appreciate you answering it. I did the Clickfunnels method first to see how it works. I took advantage of the 14 days trial, however I Canceled it after that (I wasn’t sure about it because it is a little expensive, “$2997 annually”). Now I don’t know what to do since I don’t have my presell page anymore. :unamused:
I am using Bluehost as my web hosting and everything I had was connected to that Clickfunnel.

  1. What happen if I use the manual method? How can I change my presell page or how can I update my page?
  2. Is there any other method besides the manual and the Clickfunnel method that doesn’t cost me that much?
  3. If I decide to go for the Clickfunnels again, I will need to create a new account and set everything up again, but what are the steps to do it?

Forgive me if I am giving you a headache right now with this situation, I am just trying to figure it out.

Thank you,


Hi JJ,

That’s actually not true, Clickfunnels allows up to 20 (!) funnels with their 97$/m plan.

Look, every customer has to make his own decision whether to use CF or the manual method, but I personally think that Clickfunnels is a wonderful tool which is suitable for every level of an affiliate marketer and is almost a must-have in this business. Here’s a snapshot of what they offer for the 97$ per month:

So much beyond what you actually need to start off… 20 funnels, 100 pages, 20,000 visitors. Once you able to reach these amounts, you’d be well off, up with tens of monthly sales of your product, and would easily upgrade to the more expensive plan, to scale up your business.

You should really consider trying it out. John recommends it due to the many features it offers and its ease of use:

  • One-click usage of John’s SAS presell page & other pages we offer.
  • Possibility to promote as many products as you like and host as many presell pages as you’d like with unique subdomains and no additional costs.
  • Easily used with your domain name.
  • Easily create beautiful presell pages for any product you choose.
  • Different advanced functions which you can use in the future.

Clickfunnels has a free 14 days trial, during which you can cancel any time, so maybe do try it out and see how it works for you:

There’s nothing wrong with being Cautious, and I would also not spend 297$/month before making sure I can make sales and actually put the service to good use. The 97$ (in my personal opinion) is more than worth it :slight_smile:

Let me know if I can help any further


Hi Catiana, you’re definitely not giving me a headache, I’m here to answer your questions and you should take everything in your own pace! We all come from different backgrounds and I know that in the beginning, the amount of information can be a little intimidating :slight_smile:

Now, I don’t know what kind of Upsell CF tried to push you on, to ask you for 3000$ annualy… but as you can see my above comment to JJ, 97$/m is the starting fee and is definitely worth it (even if you try it for a month or two and cancel, you’d still have a X 10 times higher chance to succeed, as it’ll take you 10% of the time needed, to get few funnels promoting few different products up and running).

First of all, using bluehost is a good choice, they are a very reliable provider with many advantages.
Let’s answer your questions in order:

  1. You can change your presell page by basically redoing the manual method with a different product presell page. Otherwise, you’d use subdomains to host other presell pages for other products on your hosting service. Sabrina has a good article on how to set them up.
  2. See above, CF is the ultimate solution and they quoted you a price which is much larger than needed, just take it month-by-month and get by with the 97$ monthly, it’s more than enough before you make sales consistently.
  3. I’m actually not sure whether your previous account was deleted or paused? either way they won’t say no to you returning, or even to a new free trial (Maybe just use a different email address? to get those extra 14 days again :slight_smile: ), see link and explanation above.

I hope that’s a little more clear and don’t hesitate for a sec if you have more questions :slight_smile:

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Hi llyaG

Thank you, I appreciate all the information you provided me. You are right about the $97 per month (I looked at the other annually plan which is more advanced). I saw that I can save $ when I choose the basic annually plan, but still $997 right now too much for me, considering that I haven’t earned money on sales up to now.

Because I canceled my first Clickfunnel account, I will need to create a new one and to start all over again. I might need some help to set it up. Do you have any information on that step-by-step that I can use?

How can I get people’s contact information using solo ads or even google ads? I would like to create my own list of emails and contacts.

I am glad that the lessons/videos of the training are very interesting and helpful. My challenge is to fully understand what I am doing and how to master the procedures to get a better result.
I’m more familiar with the course and the training, thank God .:blush: Everything was Greek to me haha.

I am truly grateful to be part of this training and having all the support team we have. You guys rock!!! Keep this good work up.:blush:


Thank you for the correct info.
Now I feel more comfortable to give it a try.


Hi Cataiana, You mean 97$? is too expensive? That’s fine, that why we have the manual method available, though Clickfunnels offers much more options.

Yes we have full guidance on the set up process in our Knowledge Base.

About list of contacts - Though the solo ad providers won’t share their emails directly, you can create an optin page quite easily (Again, using Clickfunnels), so basically you offer something good for free (Ex. John’s Training Webinar), in return to them giving you their email address, and then you can start building the list up, using a email list service like Mailchip. However, this is a little more advanced and John recommends to have some understanding and success with affiliate marketing first, before going to the next step of managing an email list.

I’m happy to know that you find the training interesting and useful, let us know if you have any more questions!

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Also, @Catiana @jjworkshop, you guys might want to check out the video guide I made on creating a new presell page from scratch for any product, so you can experiment and widen your business variety.

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Hi, I will sign up for the monthly plan let’s see how it goes. I should have done this first place and not canceling it. Anyhow, let’s do it.

Thank you

I will check the two videos you suggested us.



I followed your video and my Clickfunnel looks great😊. Thank you so much, you gave me insightful ideas.

I have a question, I saw that this template has a pop up in the side, how can I use it to get people’s email?

Hi llyaG

I am trying to set up my domain in bluehost using the one I created or even the subdomain and it is giving a a message of a problem. What should I do?


@jjworkshop @Catiana @IlyaG

Hi there, thank you all for your questions and answers session here. It was very helpful for me to read and gain insight about all this. I’m new also and am determined to set this up correctly. What’s bothering me is that you guys are all on BlueHost, when I just signed up for Coolhandle per John’s Week 2 videos. I haven’t had any problems with it yet, other than installing Wordpress because it says my domain is in some web directory…I’m not clear on that. @IlyaG I’m assuming it is because I gotta do EITHER manual method OR Click Funnels, is that right? I’m now wondering if I should just switch over to BlueHost since it has been mentioned multiple times in other discussions as well. I just don’t wanna make it harder for myself because I’m also not very technical & would be lost at this point if I switched now.

Since these posts were from two weeks ago, @jjworkshop and @Catiana, were you able to figure it all out? Specifically, how to promote up to 20 funnels using one domain? That was a very important question for me :slight_smile: Thanks!


Hi, I am sorry for the delay answer. I finished the course already and Sabryna and Ilya helped me to solve that issue.
I kind of struggled making sales. So if you need help, Sabryna and Ilya are great! :blush:

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Hi Guys,
I have same question as jensarmient3.

I am working through bloohost and approaching some difficulties into WordPress Installation as in the picture.
Please any advise.