Call to Action under 'Common Youtube Mistakes' module

John mentions not using a call to action as a mistake under the Youtube training.

Is anyone testing any CTAs in their Youtube ad creations? There’s a section for the CTA and Headline. Any suggestions would be helpful!

Hey Jose! I always recommend searching for relevant videos and then studying the ads which are displayed. When you see something you like, or connect with, make a note and then work that CTA or step into your process or ad.

in the video he clearly says CTG= contacting support, not CTA

I just went through week 3 and in the common mistakes, he mentions both contacting support AND call to action. He says he went through that in the training, and no, he didn’t. Does anyone know what we’re supposed to do?

Hello Holly-
I added the CTA to the ad. Most advertisers that I see on YouTube have a CTA, so I follow what they do :slight_smile:

Good Luck,