Brand new to affiliate marketing!

Hello everyone. My name is Charles. I’m originally from Louisiana, but, the end of this November will make 18 yrs. that I’ve been living in Canada. Unfortunately, for me, I’m between jobs right now. I’ve been laid off from 3 jobs in 2 yrs!! At this point in my life, I’ve had enough of going through that and have decided to pursue what I’ve ALWAYS wanted to try, which is, affiliate marketing. As I’ve said, I am totally new and green to this. I barely know anything about this business, but, I’m trying my best to learn as I go. I’m not looking to become an affiliate marketing guru. My main goal is to learn as quickly as I can, through John’s course, and to make enough per month consistently to take care of my family and to NEVER have to work for someone else again!! If anyone out there can help me, I’ll take ALL the help I can get and be totally grateful.

Hey Charles,

Welcome to the forum!

Don’t worry about being new to affiliate marketing, John’s tutorials are simple, step by step instructions.

We are here to assist if you get stuck too so don’t hesitate to reach out :slight_smile:

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Welcome Charles! Like Sabrina said, just take it easy and go step-by-step with John’s instructions, and you’ll learn everything in no time. Good luck!

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Charles here. Thanks guys. I REALLY appreciate that!! I have a question. I’ve been trying to get set up with Google Display Ads, but, I have a problem I can’t get past. Following along with John, in his video for Google Display Ads, I reached “Bidding”. It asks, What do I want to focus On ? John says to focus on clicks, and to maximize clicks, which is what I want to do. But, clicks doesn’t show up as a choice for me to choose. Only conversions. Does anyone have a solution for me ?

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Hi, I believe you there is a button at the top to turn on “advanced ads” or something like that. I had the same problem… after making an ad, noticed there was a button to turn on advanced, and then I could follow along almost exactly per John’s training. I stopped my first ad so I could do it like John had said.

Also, welcome Charles! I am new as well learning right along!

Hi Mackenzie. Is the advanced ads button at the top of the New Campaign page ?