Bluehost pages different than video demo

I am probably blind but on Bluehost, I cannot find “add plug-ins” anywhere!!??? I have clicked every link possible and cannot find. Has it been renamed or is it something new??? I apologize if it is sitting right in front of my face!!!

Never mind ---- several thousand clicks around later I found it buried under a subheading… al

Can you be specific? Where did you find the plugins? Thanks

Guys, left hand side under plugins -> add new, after you’ve logged in to WordPress.

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@IlyaG @kelomee77

Hi Ilya - you are correct BUT to get there you need to do this:

and then this:

I know it seems simplistic but some of us newbies aren’t used to the navigation yet :slight_smile:

Hi Allan, and if you go to ‘my sites’ on the left and ‘login to wordpress’, you don’t get there?

Hey Ilya - nope, I would have thought that but I have to do this every time and this was trial and error. Not a big whoop - and maybe its just me. Al k

Sorry about that! On my site (and any customers I’ve logged in to) that’s how it’s done. If you need any more assistance do let me know :slight_smile:

I’ve unfinished a Wordpress website and I have domain and host ? what shall I do ?

Hi everyone, I can’t find Igor’s solo…

Can’t find Website set-up at the Resource vault? I’m looking for BlueHost.

I am in the same boat