Bizopp Buyers List

While Creating the facebook ad lookalike audience, I keep getting an error message that says, “Source is Too Small: Please choose a source that includes at least 100 people in the same country. (#2654).”
I am using the Bizopp Buyers List, 150k file. Is anyone else having this problem? Please advise…

Thank you!

Hey there,

I uploaded a “Custom Audience” first with all of the email addresses. This is how it looks in my Audience list.

After that, you can create lookalike audiences using that custom audience as a base, then add in the different countries. In addition, you can add in the “Engaged Shopper” part as well. Both of those will expand (countries) then decrease (engaged) your list size.

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Thank you! I appreciate your help!

Have you solved this problem?

Hi There, I am getting the same problem as well I’ve not been able to fix mine, when I uploaded the csv file fb is asking to select 3 other fields which is not there, i tried duplicating the emails in a different coloum but this still don’t work. Please provide a fix if you can… Thank you for your help