Best ad network for dating niche?

Hi everyone,
I want to promote a product in dating niche and I’m not sure which ad platform is best to start with.
Any suggestions, please ??

Thank you.

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Hi @georgian.burtoiu, it really depends actually.

You may start with solo ads, then Google and Facebook.

Try to run an ad on solo ads and buy around 100-300 clicks and see where it takes you. Or go directly to Google and/or Facebook and run the ad for 7-10 days, have at least 100 hops, and optimize based on the results.

I hope this helps.

Thank you very much @lizette1


I don’t suspect Solo Ads are going to excel here. Dating is nothing more than socializing with intimacy as the desired end-goal, so I would stick to Social Media. Because most dating is triggered visually, I would try to get either videos or display ads that can be shown on both FB and IG, rather than text or article based ads.

I also suggest being LASER-FOCUSED on the targeting. Dating is different for men and women by age group, with different goals. A young man, for instance, probably just wants to get dates with hot chicks, whereas a middle aged guy is looking to settle down, and an old single guy probably wants an unencumbered companion.

Pattern interrupt is also important. Pick an avatar that is attractive to the opposite (to interrupt their scrolling pattern) and offer a quick, free tip in exchange for that click. Give than tip on your presell page and then go to the sales page.

Good luck!

Thank you very much @vperez. Very helpful !