ATENTTION: Clickbank 10% Fee

Before you scale, keep in mind that Clickbank has a 10% Allowance Fee for customer protection. That will come back after 12 weeks.

Therefore, the right way to scale any campaign is to sub-track 10% in your overall campaign ROI rate + in a full 7 days cycle - Because the clickbank network pays in that rangew

Do the maths before scaling, and prepare for the worst case scenario.


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Yup, Clickbank does this for fraud protection. Unfortunately, since affiliate marketing is literally one of the easiest ways to earn income online, its been targeted by lots of fraudsters (many out of China and Russia) who generate fake clicks, and fake sales, using stolen credit cards, on a massive scale.

Clickbanks been around for 21 years because they are good at figuring out who the bad actors are, and preventing fraud, through such measures as these allowances.

Not that its relevant, but just so you understand, the way the fraud works is really sketchy, but basically the way it works is the hacker industry steals credit card information from websites (JP Morgan, Linkedin, Facebook, Equifax and an unbelievably large number of other websites have been hackedā€¦) then they sell that information to people called ā€˜cardersā€™, who then sell that information (usually for ~$20 per US persons information, which includes credit card information, name, address, phone, ip address, etc) to other criminals who use that information to either print cards to use at retail stores, or use it to buy things online, or who use the information to generate fake ā€˜salesā€™ for affiliate networks.

I know this sounds unbelieveable, but its true, you can google everything I said above and youā€™ll find more information on it. Its really messed up, but THATS why Clickbank has controls in place, because unfortunately online fraud like that is rampant.

Hope that explains things!



Hi John,
Emmanuel here from North America. I have followed you program very precisely and still nothings working. From the Split-testing week five, I wish you would go over how to change the existing Pre-sell video.

In my Click-Funnel Dashboard, I have those two videos of you with the Chopper, I would rather have one of you in the classroom setting with the funds in hand explaining the concept. This video is more powerful and I believe will generate more hits for me. Itā€™s been over 30 days with this SAS program and not a dime yet.


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