Assistance / Support

Good morning everyone. I hope everyone is well. Is anyone else struggling with assistance or support? I have mailed to every email address I could find hoping to get some assistance, but still nothing. I have started my course Saturday and have finished Module 7 already. But I am stuck as I cannot log into BlueHost and Adzilla is also giving trouble. I was promised 24/7 Unlimited VIP email coaching when I bought the course among other things, but I cannot find my bonuses anywhere either… Is there some way that I can contact someone or find help someway please? This is an amazing programme and I would love to make it work and have success. If someone can assist me please, that would be awesome and much appreciated… Thank you…

Besides the support email, do you have a coach/mentor you can reach out to?
Do you get the emails for the Super Affiliate System Office Hours? There are morning and afternoon sessions where you can join and then message the moderator who may also assist in following up. I joined this evenings call at 3 PDT/6 EDT and Lance answered 3 questions for me and a boatload from others.

Good luck.

Hi Tim, thank you so much for answering on my query! I started to very alone in this course.

I do not have a coach or mentor nor did I receive an email informing me of morning and afternoon sessions. That would be bliss :slight_smile:

I have received a reply promising to look into my situation. I am very hopeful and looking forward to going full out!

Good luck to you further on…

I am so frustrated and not having a good experience currently. I still have not received any assistance or support with my queries. I truly hope someone from support can just assist me… This is really starting to become very demotivating…

Good Evening,

I cannot speak on behalf of your support or your experience, but I can offer some tips that helped me.

Bluehost = has nothing to do with SAS, you need to contact Bluehost support. Their chat support sucks, call them during USA business hours. Their phone support is extremely responsive and helpful.

Adzilla = I had a problem accessing it after the first day/login. If that’s your situation, clear your cache (specifically cookies). If you get redirected to to login, it’s a cookie issue.

I don’t know which plan you are on, but the Platinum VIP has been very responsive and the coaches run support triage as well on the weekly calls.

If you didn’t get the onboarding recordings on how to access everything, that’s a bummer and needs to be corrected by support.

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