Are Solo Ads Worth the Cost?

Hi Kids! Let’s have some fun with math - round numbers here to make things simpler. Mark Jameson has a reported sale rate of about 30%, which means that on average for every 3-1/3 ads I get a sale. I paid $53 for my ad buy because I specified no mobile, so 3-1/3 ads will cost about $180 for a return of roughly $250 in commissions. Not the kind of ROI I’m looking for at all. I don’t plan to do any more solo ad buys until I’m through the whole course. Thoughts?


Hi there, Thanks for the numbers breakdown! I just did my first solo yesterday, got 150 hops, no sales. I’m thinking these things take time, but I plan to hold off on these solo ads until I educate myself more on tricks and whatnot. As of now, I am doing every step simply to learn everything and get familiar with all the platforms. I am not going to lie, I’m worried about this investment building up with no return. But I just keep telling myself not to give up, other people are doing it so why the heck can’t I make this work! I’m sure the clicks in my head will soon allow me to figure out how to generate commission earning clicks on Clickbank soon. :slight_smile: All in all, I’m working towards getting through the entire course also to decide which method works best for the ads I’m putting out there. Best of luck to you! :slight_smile:

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Hi Iman! Great minds think alike! My approach to this is almost identical to yours. I’m sure we will have to do test buys on Google, Facebook, YouTube, etc. to make sure we’re doing things right, but I’m not going to sink any big $$ into ad buys until I have finished the course and had a chance to see the comments in the Forum re what’s working and what is not. Let’s stay in touch! Best of luck to you as well!!