April 26 Coaching Call Recap

Hello and happy Monday! Last Friday was my fourth time joining the Coaching Call and it was the largest crowd yet! Thanks to everyone who joined us!

We covered a lot of ground and answered a dozen or so ad-related questions. If you have a question you would like answered on our next Coaching Call, look for the weekly post (on Thursdays) asking for Coaching Call Questions.

Now that I have put in some time with the course and the community, I am getting more familiar with some of the more common challenges everyone is facing with regard to ad platforms.

One of the biggest obstacles I have seen for those in the first week is Facebook ad approval. I wrote a post about it here but briefly, Facebook is a real pain in the rear end when it comes to new ad accounts and getting ads approved. If your ad gets disapproved, appeal it and briefly tell them why your ad should be approved. If your ad still does not get approved, make some basic edits (text and/or image) and re-submit it for approval.

If you need some additional help, search google, search the forum and if you don’t find the answer, post a question in the Forum in the appropriate category. We are here to help and help get you past any obstacles in your way.

We will be live on the weekly Coaching Call at 3PM PST on Friday, May 3rd to answer course-related questions and marketing/advertising questions.

See you there!