April 19 Coaching Call Recap

Hello! I hope everyone had a great weekend! We had a great turnout for last week’s webinar, so thank you to everyone who joined and some extra :heart: to those who asked a question and participated!

Some of the common questions raised on our recent webinar were regarding advertising policy updates or changes within the different ad platforms, and how it affects our marketing efforts.

It’s important to understand that each platform (Google, Facebook, Yahoo, etc.) has their own unique terms of service (TOS) and advertising policies.

When these policies are updated, or change, it may cause ads to be disapproved and stop running, or to not be approved at all. So your ads which were previously approved may now be disapproved.

This happens for a variety of reasons, but usually the answer is to just tweak your ad(s) and resubmit or to start fresh. Try wordsmithing it a bit, to add your own personality to your ad. You can also try versions with different images. If an ad has been disapproved more than once, your best best is to recreate it in a new ad set or campaign.

I will be creating a separate post specifically on the topic of ad disapprovals as well, so stay tuned to the forum. And as always, please post questions in the respective categories so that we can work through any challenges you may be having.