API Key Help Please

So I’ve watched the video for the Click Funnels method set up a couple of times now and I’m still not sure what the API key is, what it does and where do I get it from?

It seems like an important piece (and John says it is) but seems to be glossed over very quickly in the training video. And my screen is not looking like his is in the training video

Do we have a separate API key for each website that we set up? and have to enter it each time we build a new site or funnel? or is there 1 master key that we can use again and again?

Just very confused on that and I feel that it’s one of those things that if it’s not set up right in the first place then nothing we do after that matters…

Please help clarify.


hey Hugh - did you find? For me that was easy… it is found by clicking upper right corner where your name or picture could/should be; then click account settings; it was about 3/4 of the way down.

My problem is the next step - my bluehost screen isn’t exactly the same as the video and I cannot find the “add plug-ins” link…anyone out there able to help? @SAS-Support-Staff

same here. cannot find the “plug-ins” button / feature. Please help?


There are 2 Plugins: the wordpress plugin and the bluehost plugin. You need to be in Wordpress so you might see this screen

in which case you need to click on the WordPress button. If you are in the next screen which should look like this

then you need to click on where it says Bluehost. You should then see the Plugins menu item down the left side:

Then go back to the training and you should be able to add the plugin.

P.S. I found that I had 2 issues in getting the plugin to work: 1st I needed to add a phone number in my clickfunnels profile and then 2nd I had to change the email being used as it had an underscore being used - apparently email addresses with underscores do not always work with the API plugin authentication.