Anyone making any sales on google search or display ads and if so which one?

Just wondering if anyone is having any sale and what one is working the best?

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No sale first two days then I was suspended for ā€œsuspicious activity.ā€ I have appealed with no result.

Hi richjake2,

Go to your website and answer my email.

Hi, sorry I donā€™t know what you mean. Is there email here someplace or what website do you mean?

I see my ad and website are on the letter from the lawyer, despite the fact that my ad only ran a couple of days. I think removing Dan Lok from your list of gurus would be a good idea right now. I have nothing running now anyway. Looks like John may have a lawsuit on his hands.

Since my Goggle ad was taken down, I guess I do not have that problem. If I get on Google, which seems unlikely now, I will remove Lokā€™s name from the list. Everyone should do the same. Thanks for the link to the letter.

I wouldnā€™t worry about the cease and desist email from Dan Lok. Remove his name and move on. This happens from time to time.

FYI: There is no lawsuit, it was a cease and desist letter.