Anyone Listening To "Your Wish Is Your Command?"


I have been listening to these audios while at work and am on audio #9. These audios really get me pumped. Thank you John for adding these audios to the course.

Anyone else listening to these?


I’ve listened to them a few years ago. Listening now. I am on #7 and it is definitely a new experience!

Started to listen to them in the past few days. Am on number 4. It’s the kind of material that I think I’m going to need to keep revisiting, and with each pass, learn something new.

where did you find the videos?

You’ll find it in the Week 2 wrap up video! :slight_smile:

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Tried to access the audio recordings this is what I got.

you spelled it wrong. The correct spelling is confucious, not confusious


I should have perhaps made myself more clear!
Thanks John!