Any recommendations for a Fiverr seller to create video ads?

Hey, in Week 5 John talks about hiring someone from Fiverr to make video ads. Has anyone tried this yet and can anyone give any recommendations for who to go to?

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Hi jgvergonio,

Sean hereā€¦
I had some decent experience with Fiverr as far as helping me build a Bluehost website.
Just a simple structure was built for me , then I dug in myself to tweeked things the way I wanted it to look. Still adding here and thereā€¦

As far a video goes, I would just film myself !! Not sure if your comfortable with doing that.
By doing the video and " finding your voice" in my opinion would just make things
more tangible and connect with your viewers better ??

They ( your videos ) will probably suck at firstā€¦lol mine did , but as you find traction and confidence youā€™ll be amazed at how far youā€™ve come. But Fiverr is a good place, but I havenā€™t used them for video creation contentā€¦

Keep me / us posted as to what direction you goā€¦

~ Sean

I would prefer Fiverr, but I think itā€™s on each one choice as feel better. Making a video with my face just makes me feel shy, but the most important is to find the best way to get the gold.