Anger on Facebook

Wow, people are reading the ad. They called me everything they could think of. We are not getting ignored. This vehicle is one I had to get on. 9-5 for someone else’s glory is not my cup of tea. Anyone else getting such warm embraces from FB meanies?

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Unfortunately the negative comments and trolls are just part of the nature of the FB platform. Best to delete the comments and ignore the negativity if you can.

For every negative comment, there are 10s of hundreds of positive opinions, sadly we don’t see them :slight_smile:

All is well. Just thought others may get the same responses, and it helps to know we are not alone. SAS is my best shot at a new way to earn a living for me and mine. Thanks for the support and advice.


Holy crap ,thank God I’m not alone .I was not prepared to get such harassment and negativity . I was called stupid , spammer ,scammer etc etc Some people are Aholes through and through. Some guys are telling people to click on purpose to make me pay per click. How can I stop that. I’ll go broke!

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Facebook did it for me. I have been censored (removed). One of the nice guys told me to get a real job. What a dope. Over the past 40 years, I have worked at jobs from janitor up to and including lieutenant colonel in the Army. I am still employed and getting underpaid like always. Until SAS I avoided Facebook, Google, and YouTube. Wow! I have a lot to learn.

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yeah and it sucks …how can you stop them from clicking on purpose just to make you pay per click

I do not remember the exact key sequence, but it involves blocking them so that they cannot see your comments and you cannot see theirs.

From someone who has been ridiculed much of her life for always trying to find a better way than just working a job, you have to completely accept but totally ignore those negative people out there. Even my own family has never supported me because they have the job and being broke mentality (I still absolutely love them though). It’s all part of the process, if a person doesn’t experience any negativity, then how are you going to truly appreciate the positive - especially when you’re a success and the bullies are still ignorant and broke.
If at the beginning of a comment it seems negative, ignore it and move on. Don’t worry about the cost of negativity, it truly is part of the learning curve. Look how you’re having to learn how to toughen up your inner/outer shell. That’s what it takes to become successful. DON’T LET ANYONE OR ANYTHING STEAL YOUR DREAM!!!
Much Success To Everyone and keep your journey to success a straight path. S.H.


I’m in the same boat as you Pusansk but the difference with me is I don’t subscribe to the “Blood is thicker than water” tripe. I’ve been trying to find alternatives to the typical JOB for decades now & I keep those aspirations mainly to myself when it comes to family & most of my friends. They just don’t get it. I also do not mix my personal “on-line” life with business. Everyone needs to make their own choices but for me I will absolutely not post business related material on my personal FB page. Technology is increasingly blurring the line that separates our personal & work lives so the fight is getting tougher but if you apply good old fashioned common sense it’s not impossible.

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I agree wholeheartedly. Keep up the good fight and may success be your closest friend.
Your Truly, S.H.

Hey SColo sorry to hear you are experiencing so much negativity. I have a small tip that could help. you can block comment key words on facebook. things such as cuss words and things like bad, disrespectful, scam, unfair, in the settings for your landing page there is a column to list blocked words.